Company name / Name: | Emilla Kereskedelmi Betéti társaság |
Address: | Victor Hugo u. 6-8, fszt 7. (Cég székhelye, NEM a bolt címe!), Budapest, 1132, Hungary |
Personal pick up here: | 1132 Budapest Kresz Géza u. 53/B - Pirospont Emilla Showroom |
Phone number: | +36302937479 |
Email address: | |
Website: | |
Shop name: | Emilla mosható női betétek |
Tax number: | 25534175-2-41 |
EU VAT number: | HU25534175 |
Company registration number: | 01-06-790596 |
Company court: | Fővárosi törvényszék Cégbírósága |
Registering date: | 2016/04/11 |
Registering notary: | Jackli Dóra Katalin, Budapest |
Bank account number: | 18203260-06029746-40010018 |
IBAN: | HU03182032600602974640010018 |
Contact person name: | Csete Mónika |
Contact person´s phone number: | +36302937479 |
Contact person´s e-mail address: | |
Free pick up point in Budapest, Hungary at WESTEND City Center (Stessy Drug store)
This free pick up point is only for prepaid orders!
STESSY Illatszer, Drug store
Westend City Center,
1062 Budapest, Váci street 1–3.
Ground floor 108
Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday: 10-19h
We notify you per email when your order is ready for pickup!
Please wait for the notification. (Check also your Spam folder!)
This pick up point is also a drug store.
Please support them by looking around and if you see something nice, feel free to shop!
Thank you!
STESSY Illatszer, Drug store
Westend City Center,
1062 Budapest, Váci street 1–3.
Ground floor 108
Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday: 10-19h
We notify you per email when your order is ready for pickup!
Please wait for the notification. (Check also your Spam folder!)
This pick up point is also a drug store.
Please support them by looking around and if you see something nice, feel free to shop!
Thank you!
Shipping cost | free | - HUNGARY
Pick up points in Hungary. Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to Hungary to a Packeta Pick up point!
Shipping cost | 1 550 Ft |

GLS service for Hungarian shipping
Please choose it only when your address is in Hungary.
Order total | Shipping cost | |
0 Ft | 30 000 Ft | 2 105 Ft |
30 001 Ft | free |

GLS Hungarian Pick up points
Please choose this service only if you'd like to pick your package up at a Hungarian GLS pick up point location!
Order total | Shipping cost | |
0 Ft | 30 000 Ft | 1 980 Ft |
30 001 Ft | free |

Hungarian Post (Shipping only inside of Hungary)
Ez a szolgáltatás a szállítási címen megjelölt lakcímre küldi a rendelt termékeket.
Order total | Shipping cost | |
0 Ft | 30 000 Ft | 1 990 Ft |
30 001 Ft | free |
Hungarian Post local pick up points
FIGYELEM!! Ha ezt az opciót választja, a rendelés véglegesítése előtt a rendelés MEGJEGYZÉS részéhez írja be a posta pontos címét vagy a szállítási adatok alatt lévő "egyéb adatoknál" adja meg azt.
A postán maradó küldeményt a vásárló nevére és a vásárló által megadott posta címére küldjük. Ez esetben a postai szolgáltatásokat továbbra is kedvező áron veheti igénybe.
!!! Kérjük, ha ezt az opciót választja, a rendelés megjegyzéséhez írja oda annak a postának a nevét (számát) és a pontos címét, ahová szeretné, hogy a termékeket küldjük.
Minta Márta (Ön neve)
Budapest 62-es posta
Amennyiben nem tudja pontosan az adott postahivatal címét, itt kikeresheti:
Ha segítségre volna szüksége, lépjen velünk kapcsolatba az emailcímen.
A csomag feladásáról emailt küldünk, ami a feladás után számított 3-5 munkanapon belül a megjegyzésben megjelölt postán a csomagszám és név ellenében átvehető.
Order total | Shipping cost | |
0 Ft | 30 000 Ft | 1 299 Ft |
30 001 Ft | free | - pick up points - ITALY
Pick up points in Italy. Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to Italy to a Packeta Pick up point!
(Bartolini pick up points.)
(Bartolini pick up points.)
Total product weight | Shipping cost | |
0 kg | 4.99 kg | 6 355 Ft |
5 kg | 9.99 kg | 8 499 Ft |
10 kg | 15 kg | 11 500 Ft | - pick up points - SLOVENIA
Pick up points in Slovenia. Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to Slovenia to a Packeta Pick up point!
(SI Post Box pick up automates)
(SI Post Box pick up automates)
Total product weight | Shipping cost | |
0 kg | 4.99 kg | 4 299 Ft |
5 kg | 9.99 kg | 6 299 Ft |
10 kg | 15 kg | 6 999 Ft | - pick up points - POLAND
Pick up points in Poland.
Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to Poland to a Packeta Pick up point! (PL InPost Paczkomaty Box)
Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to Poland to a Packeta Pick up point! (PL InPost Paczkomaty Box)
Total product weight | Shipping cost | |
0 kg | 4.99 kg | 1 310 Ft |
5 kg | 9.99 kg | 2 310 Ft |
10 kg | 15 kg | 5 200 Ft | - pick up points - CZECH REPUBLIC
Pick up points in Czech Republic.
Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to Czech Republic to a Packeta Pick up point!
(Z-Point PP)
Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to Czech Republic to a Packeta Pick up point!
(Z-Point PP)
Total product weight | Shipping cost | |
0 kg | 4.99 kg | 2 450 Ft |
5 kg | 9.99 kg | 4 550 Ft |
10 kg | 15 kg | 5 200 Ft | - GERMANY
Pick up points in Germany. Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to Germany to a Packeta Pick up point!
(DE Hermes PaketShop)
(DE Hermes PaketShop)
Total product weight | Shipping cost | |
0 kg | 4.99 kg | 5 400 Ft |
5 kg | 9.99 kg | 6 390 Ft |
10 kg | 15 kg | 8 999 Ft | - pick up points - ROMANIA
Pick up points in Romania. Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to Romania to a Packeta Pick up point!
(Z-Point PP)
(Z-Point PP)
Total product weight | Shipping cost | |
0 kg | 4.99 kg | 3 100 Ft |
5 kg | 9.99 kg | 4 100 Ft |
10 kg | 15 kg | 6 999 Ft | - pick up points - SLOVAKIA
Pick up points in Slovakia. Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to Slovakia to a Packeta Pick up point!
(Z-Point PP)
(Z-Point PP)
Total product weight | Shipping cost | |
0 kg | 4.99 kg | 2 350 Ft |
5 kg | 9.99 kg | 4 199 Ft |
10 kg | 15 kg | 4 579 Ft | - THE NETHERLANDS
Pick up points in The Netherlands. Please choose this option ONLY when you would like your order to be shipped to The Netherlands to a Packeta Pick up point!
Total product weight | Shipping cost | |
0 kg | 4.99 kg | 7 090 Ft |
5 kg | 9.99 kg | 9 899 Ft |
10 kg | 15 kg | 12 990 Ft |

EUROPE / International Shipping (nemzetközi szállítás / Európa)
Your parcel will arrive with the help of our Hungarian Post if you are living outside of Hungary, in Europe.
Order total | Shipping cost | |
0 Ft | 4 999 Ft | 4 500 Ft |
5 000 Ft | 29 999 Ft | 6 300 Ft |
30 000 Ft | free |

AMERICA/ASIA/AUSTRALIA/AFRICA - International shipping
If you are living outside of the European region, please choose this shipping feature, and you'll get your Emilla products in notime!
Order total | Shipping cost | |
0 Ft | 4 999 Ft | 5 600 Ft |
5 000 Ft | 29 999 Ft | 8 900 Ft |
30 000 Ft | free |

This option is ONLY for if you purchased a donation!
If you only wish to donate for our charity projects, you will not have to pay shipping, because we will deliver the donated pads and cups ourselves!
Please note that this option is NOT allowed to choose if you buy something you want to get shipped to you.
Please note that this option is NOT allowed to choose if you buy something you want to get shipped to you.
Shipping cost | free |
Bank Cards: VISA, Master/Maestro
If you'd like to pay with your Visa, Master or Maestro card, choose this option.
You can pay in Euros and in Forints too.
You can pay in Euros and in Forints too.
This option can be choosed ONLY by Hungarian citizens.
Ha leadta a rendelését, a megadott számlaszámra előre utalással fizethet. Amint beérkezik a leadott rendelésre az átutalt költség, automatikusan küldjük a rendelését a számlaeredetivel együtt!
Számlaszámunk, ahová az előre utalást (a rendelésének a postaköltséggel együtt számolt végösszegét) kérjük elutalni:
Emilla Ker. Bt.
MBH Bank
Bankszámlaszám: 18203260 - 06029746 - 40010018
Kérem, ha a név alapján nem beazonosítható a rendelése (más hozzátartozója/ismerőse utalja a rendelés költségeit) írja oda a közleménybe a saját (megrendelő) nevét, vagy a rendelésének a számát!
Számlaszámunk, ahová az előre utalást (a rendelésének a postaköltséggel együtt számolt végösszegét) kérjük elutalni:
Emilla Ker. Bt.
MBH Bank
Bankszámlaszám: 18203260 - 06029746 - 40010018
Kérem, ha a név alapján nem beazonosítható a rendelése (más hozzátartozója/ismerőse utalja a rendelés költségeit) írja oda a közleménybe a saját (megrendelő) nevét, vagy a rendelésének a számát!
PayPal payment
It is one of the quickest solution if you order from abroad.

International Bank Transfer
If you don't own a Hungarian bank account, and you don't have PayPal, you can choose this option. You will get all the data of our international bank info you need to your inbox, to start with the international bank transfer.
When your payment arrives, we automatically send you your order with the original invoice and you will get a notification about your tracking number.
Information and data for international bank transfer, where you have to send the costs:
Our account's info:
Name: Emilla Ker. Bt.
Company's address: Budapest, 1132 Victor Hugo u. 6-8, fszt. 7. Hungary
IBAN: HU03182032600602974640010018
Bank's name and address: MBH Bank
1122 Budapest, Pethényi köz 10.
If the transfer arrives to our Bank account, we'll send you your order!
When your payment arrives, we automatically send you your order with the original invoice and you will get a notification about your tracking number.
Information and data for international bank transfer, where you have to send the costs:
Our account's info:
Name: Emilla Ker. Bt.
Company's address: Budapest, 1132 Victor Hugo u. 6-8, fszt. 7. Hungary
IBAN: HU03182032600602974640010018
Bank's name and address: MBH Bank
1122 Budapest, Pethényi köz 10.
If the transfer arrives to our Bank account, we'll send you your order!
Discount on the total amount of the current order
Order total | Discount | |
0 Ft | - |
Visitor counter